Exposición Fechas: 25/04/2008 a 29/03/2009
Lugar Neues Museum Weserburg (Bremen) / Museo Nuevo Weserburg (Bremen)
Teerhof 20
28199 Bremen
En la exposición, titulada Art on Air. Radiokunst im Wandel, organizada por el Centro de Estudios de Publicaciones del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Neues Museum Weserburg de Bremen, se mostrarán y podrán audicionar emisiones de los cuatro programas pioneros y más emblemáticos de Europa de Arte Sonora. Los famosos programas pioneros de Radio Bremen con Hans Otte: Pro Musica Nova, los programas austríacos Kunstradio de ORF con Heidi Grundmann y Elisabeth Zimermann, los programas de la WDR, Hörspiel Studio y luego Studio für akustische Kunst de Klaus Schöning y, en la segunda etapa de Markus Hender, y, finalmente, el famoso programa de
José Iges, Ars Sonora, de RNE, incluyendo en la selección del programa obras de Rafael Flores. Actividades Simposio sobre Arte Sonora en Bremen.
Ficha técnicaObra: programas pioneros de Radio Bremen con : Pro Musica Nova
Autor /es: Hans Otte
Técnica: sonido
Procedencia: Bremen
Obra: programas austríacos Kunstradio de ORF
Autor /es: Heidi Grundmann y Elisabeth Zimermann
Técnica: sonido
Procedencia: Austria
Entidades colaboradorasInstituto Cervantes (Bremen)
Radio Bremen
Radio y Televisión Austriacos (ORF) (Viena) / Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF) (Wien)
Universidad de Bremen / Universität Bremen
Jacobs Universidad de Bremen / Jacobs University Bremen
Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes (Bremen) / Hochschule für Künste (Bremen)
Radio Art in FluxRadio art comprises works created by artists specifically for radio: from sound or noise compositions, radio plays, actions or concerts, sound performances, satellite sound sculptures, soundscapes, radio art installations, networked (media) projects, all the way to electroacoustic or digital music.
Orson Welles: War of the Worlds (Cover)
Auer Family, Kunstradio / ORF Wien, Vienna
Beginning April 27, the exhibition Art on Air in the Weserburg will present an overview of works of radio art. In addition to related radiophone works by individual artists, three series can be viewed that have had an enormous influence on the emergence and development of radio art in Europe and abroad: pro musica nova from Radio Bremen, Studio Akustische Kunst from WDR, and Kunstradio from ORF. The acoustic presentation of radiophone works will be supplemented by videos, records, CDs, cassettes, projections, scores, artist’s books and magazines, as well as numerous documents: photographs, posters, programs, correspondence, conceptual drawings, and invitations.

Radio art moves within the intermediate interdisciplinary area between visual arts, experimental literature, and New Music. Accordingly, radio art will be presented in the exhibition in its visual, acoustic, and documentary contexts. What evolves is a representative insight and overview against the backdrop of technological development with references to current media art. The artists whose work is being presented are also representative, as they belong to different generations and work in various musical, literary, and artistic design contexts: Johannes Auer, the artist group Ligna, Michaela Melian, Christina Kubisch, Felix Kubin, and Carsten Nicolai, as well as Franz Mon, Ferdinand Kriwet, Mauricio Kagel, Wolf Vostell, Carlfriedrich Claus, and John Cage. Their works communicate an idea of the ‘tradition’ of radio art in Germany. John Cage, for example, was not only the driving force for the development of the series pro musica nova, he also contributed in a variety of ways to radio broadcasts and composed works for radio such as Imaginary Landscape No. 4 from 1951. His most important work, Roaratorio, originated in 1979 at WDR.

The Radio Art Archive, which will development over the course of the exhibition, is quite a special innovation: nearly all of the works of radio art or radio broadcasts by the participating artists as well as important radio art series in the German-speaking world will be made available for the first time. It will include all of the relevant forms of radio broadcasts which artists have created with, in, and for radio. A large share of the audio materials is being made available by the artists themselves.
The exhibition clearly shows that the artists’ activities have gone well beyond the technical, institutional, and traditional parameters and concepts of radio.
An exhibition by the Research Center for Artist’s Publications in cooperation with Radio Bremen and ORF Kunstradio Wien, Vienna, funded by the Stiftung Kunstfonds.