2. Thisisthereasonwhyyoushouldn´tlistento - Ind.Distortion
3. Pink knife - BreakDancingRonaldReagan
4. Merchant - Level
5. God´s abortion - Pig Grinder
6. Extrem-idades - C_utter
7. Hot cheetos - Dishtroned Agony
8. Sell the kids - The Paraonia Room
9. Pissart - Gas Satori
10. :Cleaner - Necroanal
11. Zan_12 - Comando Bruno
12. Moral genocide - Curb Stompped
13. Nihilist antiorem - Ettos
14. Was rashmiya mahotoud - IDX1274
15. Inedible - +ANA+
16. God never gave me shit - Passion Bleeding
17. Reduced to nothing - Grouthaagy
18. Adults (all ages) - F.M.G
19. The Cassandra Syndrome - Syrigx
20. Bitch and dog - CPRL